We helpplan your future

We helpplan your future

Miembro de 

Guardianship actions

Currently there is an evident increase of the guardianship actions filled, especially in labor, social and health related matters.

The judicial procedure for this actions have not been suspended, our team is able to attend to your needs in constitutional matters.

We have extensive experience in this area, having represented our clients in more than 500 actions of this nature.


We are aware that compliance of emergency regulations is challenging for companies.

Therefore, you can count with our experienced team of professionals to accompany you in protocols review and give support on strategic decision making in relation with the security and continuity of operations of your company.

Contract Negotiation

The key to avoid future litigations will depend on the proper renegotiation of contracts.

Reason why we offer to provide thorough legal advice to our clients to prevent future contingencies.
In this field, it is important to highlight the renegotiation of contracts with the National Hydrocarbons Association (ANH) in accordance with the provisions of Agreement 2 of 2020 and the renegotiation of service contracts.

Crisis Management

We go the extra mile beyond the legal issue because we know that there are external factors that determine the operations and development of our clients' projects.

We fully accompany our clients in strategic communication and crisis management issues, in collaboration with our partner Modum Estrategia + Comunicación, with whom we have worked in complex issues for more than 20 years.


Years of experience

0 %

success rate

Strategic allies

of our clients

We have lawyers specialized in the energy and natural resources sector, with an emphasis on oil, mines and gas, with knowledge in international business, experience in handling contracts and international negotiations, and structuring of infrastructure projects, as well as extensive experience in litigation and arbitration .

Our experience in the different areas of commercial law, allows us to provide a comprehensive legal advice, which adapts efficiently and quickly to the needs of our clients and the constant evolution of business in the Colombian market.

Participation in National and International Arbitrations
Litigations before the Ordinary and Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction
Participation in Class Actions
Judicial processes for the imposition of oil, mining and electric easements

Offshore Costa Pacífica

Offshore Costa Pacífica Con la firma del contrato de exploración y explotación Tayrona en el año 2003 por parte de Petrobras, Ecopetrol y Exxon Mobil, Colombia inicio lo que podríamos denominar la tercera ola en cuanto la realización de

Pasos de Tortuga

Pasos de Tortuga El exsenador y experto en energía Amylkar D. Acosta publicó recientemente en el periódico El Tiempo un artículo sobre el incierto futuro del carbón en Colombia (El Tiempo, 21 de febrero del 2021) dentro de su

La Transformación del CPACA

La Transformación del CPACA El 25 de enero de 2021 el Presidente de la República sancionó la ley que modificó varios apartes del Código de Procedimiento Administrativo y de lo Contencioso Administrativo (en adelante “CPACA”), con la finalidad, según

At Garrido Fonseca we are here to serve you

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